

206 / 0 / 6 лет
When I look into your face
I can read my epitaph
Without fear till I die
I will laugh into your eyes
I can read my epitaph
in the skies above my head
in staring eyes around me
in refulgent drops of rain.

I've to contempt for human race
carrying its cross to Calvary
I know tomorrow I'll be damned
They hate and fear me till I die
Because I dare to fly too high
In gloomy waters I dive too deep
With no admission look too far
I've seen too much, I know too much
In turmoil are the minds dismayed
Prepared for striking blow of death
Slaves divinizing the master's sword
Their borrowed thoughts are beyond them

They want to regain the blissful seat
Which none has ever before seen
They're coming onwards looking back
Beheading prophets, burning saints
They wait for coming of their lord
The second time, the judgement day
Because they do not even suspect
That god was killed by them again
Again he died unrecognized
They still wait for the day that's gone

They'll never see the world my way
All I endeavor – a waste of time
They do not doubt, not reason why
They go straight looking through me

Endearing smiles of hypocrites
Perfidious, beguiling masks
I know what their words imply
I'm marked by death but I laugh

Deseased minds are black enough
Delirious souls can't see the light
They follow the guiding hand of god
Write on the wall my epitaph

No doubt they lead us to the dream side
Believe in god, believe the lie
Lost paradise we'll never find
When dreams come true we all shall die

You want to send me to the grave
I hear a woeful cry of heaven
And raindrops falling from above
Are writing sadly my epitaph
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из альбома "The Truth Is Out There"