9 лет

Domain Of The Seven Queens

81 42%
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Автор музыки
Diamond Martin
Автор текста
Diamond Martin
I Am The Arm
Mix Art Records
As you lose your wings
As you seek for the ultimate keys
As you open the doors to Eternal Sin
As the raven chariot rides from within
To make you embrace the Kingdom of Filth
To empower your engines with demonic relief
Laughter fulfills the Domain of the Seven Queens
On the road to most horrid perversions you’ve seen

Master the art of this race
Burst into tangled insanity space
Out of thoughts, only instincts reside
Your servant, your flesh, mindless and blind

Seven candles burning bright
Seven tables of delight
Seven holy wretched sins
Seven thrones and seven Queens
Birds are ridden to their death
Madness pouring through their breath
As you break apart my grief
On the spikes of mountain cliff
Sodomy from underneath

Master the art of this race
Burst into tangled insanity space
Out of thoughts, only instincts reside
Your servant, your flesh, mindless and blind