9 лет

Cherry Tree Blossoms At Night

22 48%
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Автор музыки
Diamond Martin
Автор текста
Diamond Martin
I Am The Arm
Mix Art Records
Let me introduce myself, my name is Shiro Ishii.
I am the Kwantung Army General and microbiologist.

I was remembered The World like a biological weapon evil genius.
You can conquer the world if you have biological weapon.
Hitting slow and painful death every living body
Our team worked on creation biological warfare.

Throughout the time the group had a few names,
But the most famous is “Unit 731”.
The Emperor’s victory was at stake, and he was sure
Only science of destruction of all things could give the victory.

We were not destined to feel pity and compassion.
Our gear works in the regime of fracture.

If you look in our eyes you realize it’s useless to ask about mercy.
Stay and watch how your pathetic body will affect by freezing wind.
How many you could stand after that I deprive all your extremities.

I will ask you what you see when you hold your bleeding eyes in your frostbitten palms.
We will make all the World to remain in fear.
We will show severe supreme power in the nature form.

Broken hope of survival will disappear into the dark thickets.
The reflection of evil will shine in the dull eyes, clothed in white.