5 лет

Elles (Элес) - Give it to you

21 27%
Над треком работали
Нурлан Мамбетов, Актан Исабаев, Нурлан Алымбеков, Ильяс Иширбеков
Автор музыки
Нурлан Мамбеков
Автор текста
Нурлан Мамбетов, Алтынай Молдоева
Нурлан, Мамбеков, Актан Исабаев, Нурлан Алымбеков
История создания
Песня была написана Нурланом Мамбетовым задолго до выхода данного клипа. В ноябре 2018 года был опубликован кусочек клипа в instagram, что вызвало шквал эмоций, но мы решили дождаться нужного момента для выхода клипа.
 Give it to you

1. Sometimes I wonder what my life'd be like
If I could simply live it by your side
Then every minute of your days and nights
I'd fill with love

If every time I saw your lovely face
I could reach out for your divine embrace
Then all your days and all your weeks and years
I'd fill with love

I'll never cease to try
Endless starry skies
Oceans at sunrise
Oh how I want to give it to you

2 куплет:
Sometimes I picture all this in my head:
I make your coffee while you're still in bed,
I run my fingers through your tumbling hair
I gasp for air

I'll never cease to try
Endless starry skies
Oceans at sunrise
Oh how I want to give it to you


I wanna be there through thick and thin I wanna give it to you,
I'll build our home and carry you in I wanna give it to you
Just give me a hint just give me a wink I wanna give it to you
I'll follow the lead I'll be at your feet I wanna give it to you

3 куплет
Sometimes I catch the answer in your eyes
No need for words, I see it in your smile
Oh dare I think that I can win this prize
I'll break the ice

I'll never cease to try
Endless starry skies
Oceans at sunrise
Oh how I want to give it to you


Looking at the way you move
The way you dance, the way you groovin’
The way you smile, the way you slide
The way you rule the things in life
The way you see the main in us
I’ll do my best and our love will last
Forever ever and even more
The only thing I can’t ignore

Feels like I’m growing older
Seems like I’m getting smarter
Thanks to your endless loving
We’ll be together now and after
Baby girl I guess you see
I’m trying to change all things in me
I know you want it like I do
How I wanna give it to you