
Dapple Rose from Hell

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When the moonlight painted grass pale
And the bells just chimed twelve,
Grim magic of night flowers
Captures churchyard by the will
Of the gardener from Hell

Those flowers splendid odor
Helps one find a way
To old chapel in the graveyard
To find the Queen of flowers- Dapple Rose painted grey

Dapple rose from Hell
Just for a flower could too much
Dangerous to smell
Deadly if to touch
If only someone’d touch her thorns
If only someone’d touch her bud
If her poison licks the blood…

All roses in the chapel
Once upon a time
Was broken hearted people
Which tried to find the touch of love
Right after midnight chime.

Dead odor of the night Queen poisoned lost soul
Cold fingers touched sharp thorns
As soon as a blood drop had fallen down
So next rose starts to grow out of the floor…
Краткое описание
Балладная история о могущественной пятнистой розе, обладающей злыми колдовскими чарами.
История создания
Песня 1997 года с альбома "Made in KGB" авторы Фонарев-Осипов.