3 месяца

Black Man

25 46%
death metal
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Трек на стихи Сергея Есенина "Чёрный человек"
death metal
Краткое описание
Трек на стихи Сергея Есенина "Чёрный человек"
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Сергей Барсуков
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Перевод поэмы Сергея Есенина "Чёрный человек"
Рок-группа "IZED"
Death metal
Сергей Есенин
"Черный человек"

Друг мой, друг мой,
Я очень и очень болен.
Сам не знаю, откуда взялась эта боль.
То ли ветер свистит
Над пустым и безлюдным полем,
То ль, как рощу в сентябрь,
Осыпает мозги алкоголь.
Голова моя машет ушами,
Как крыльями птица.
Ей на шее ноги
Маячить больше невмочь.
Черный человек,
Черный, черный,
Черный человек
На кровать ко мне садится,
Черный человек
Спать не дает мне всю ночь.
Черный человек
Водит пальцем по мерзкой книге
И, гнусавя надо мной,
Как над усопшим монах,
Читает мне жизнь
Какого-то прохвоста и забулдыги,
Нагоняя на душу тоску и страх.
Черный человек
Черный, черный… (фрагмент)

My friend, my friend,
I am very, very sick.
I don't know where this pain came from.
Is the wind whistling
Above an empty and deserted field,
Is it like a grove in September,
Alcohol is showering the brain.
My head is waving my ears,
Like the wings of a bird.
Her feet are on her neck
I can't stand to loom anymore.

The Black Man,
Black, black,
The Black Man
He sits down on my bed,
The Black Man
He won't let me sleep all night.
The Black Man
He runs his finger over a nasty book
And, twanging at me,
As over the deceased monk,
He reads my life
Some kind of scoundrel and a drunkard,
Making the soul sad and afraid.
The Black Man
Black, black...

"Listen, listen,"
he mutters to me,-
There are many wonderful
Thoughts and plans in the book.
This person
Lived in the country
The most disgusting
Goons and charlatans.
In December in that country
The snow is devilishly clear,
And snowstorms start
Funny spinning wheels.

There was a man who was an adventurer,
But the highest
And the best brand.
He was elegant,
Besides, he's a poet,
At least with a little,
But with a grasping force,
And some woman,
Forty-odd years old,
He called her a bad girl
And by his own sweetness.
"Black man!

You're a nasty guest!
It's been a long time
It's spreading about you."
I'm furious, furious,
And my cane is flying
Straight to his face,
In the bridge of the nose...
the month died,
The dawn is turning blue through the window.
Oh, you night!

What have you done, night?
I'm standing in a top hat.
No one is with me.
I'm alone…
And — a broken mirror…