16 лет

Kill Your Fucking God

164 32%
Kill Your Fucking God

Music: Dictator
Lyrics: Misanthropic Poetry

Hey, fucking Jesus,
I`m the child of the earth
I`m the child of the forest
The sky and the sea.

Hey, fucking Allah,
I`m the part of the nature, nothing more
I`m the part of the beasts` world
And that`s my law.

Hey, fucking Buddha,
My blood is running
My heart is beating
And that is not your grace

Hey, fucking Adonay,
I spit upon your sanctity
You have no power over me
I`m a man, nature, a beast

Kill your fucking God
Kill him inside you
No more prohibitions
You`re nature`s creature

Kill your fucking God
Kill him whoever he may be
He`s not your father, not your creator
So, don`t be a slave of his.

Kill your fucking God